The obligatory Christmas post

This year we decided to split things up, so that our Christmas Day wasn’t quite so jam packed. Christmas Eve was spent with our old neighbours, or the extended family as they’re called. We all met up in Clifton Hill where A lives with his partner now and consumed lots of wonderful food and caught up on the latest news. I was fairly zonked after a busy week at work, but enjoyed hanging out with the people I treasure the most. Pippa and Finn had a great time!

Today was a little more sedate to start with. I had a sleep in then went around to my Nanna’s house to collect her to go to my Uncle’s. As usual there was loads of awesome food to be eaten and all my relatives to catch up with. This year was quieter as some were off seeing other halves families, but it was a lovely day. Pippa made sure I spent lots of time with her as usual!!

After lunch I overheard my Nanna (above) talking to my younger cousins. “She’s disfigured her body with that big tattoo on her arm. She’s going to regret that when she gets older.” Oh Nanna. Stop being so judgey!! My family are pretty non judgemental, but I guess for an 87 year old it’s hard to fathom. That said, my Aunt did say that I was “scary”, whatever that implies. Maybe this is why I am a mad cat lady eh.

Having the kids around makes Christmas that little bit more bearable. I struggle with the fact that my Mum is no longer here on days such as today. My Nanna and I talked in the car on the way home, about how Mum would have been a wonderful Grandma and how she would be so proud of the kids. It was all I could do not to burst into tears.

Anyway, it’s done for another year. I hope you had a wonderful day whatever you did x

~ by Fen on December 25, 2014.

9 Responses to “The obligatory Christmas post”

  1. Having young children around makes Christmas that little bit special.

  2. Hugs all ’round! Chrissy is a bit of a up/down day for me.
    I’ve learned to accept it for just a day with M and Ma & Pa now, and a nice meal. But it still feels empty.
    This year has been a lot harder though. But meh… tomorrow is another day.
    Luvyaguts, Fen! xox

  3. Greetings little fen, Merry Christmas. I’ve got a pig like the one in the photo, squeeze it and it makes a pig noise. I found it at my local St Vinnies. Your grandma looks much like your mother. I agree with her about the tattoo. Very foolish.

  4. Thanks for dropping by my place and commenting! 🙂 I have added your blog to my feed reader.

  5. Happy New Year!

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